Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
Professor for Sustainability Management

I perceive myself as facilitator of student learning rather than a ‘teacher’ or ‘instructor’. To ‘facilitate’ implies that students themselves need to get deeply immersed in the subject and materials. To the extent possible, my classes are heavily discussion-based and conversational in an attempt to assist students form their own views and opinions. In class, I am to create an excitement for the subject at hand by tying theory to simulations, case studies, and real-life examples. When mentoring and advising students, I barely tell students what to do but rather advise them about the way to proceed to attain their own goals.
Supply Chain Management (BSc program, 3rd semester), since 2019 SESSION 6 LECTURE SLIDES WITH VOICEOVER HERE!
Corporate Governance (MSc in Management)
Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (MSc)
Data Analytics (MSc in Management)
Advanced Concepts in Strategy (BSc program, 5th & 6th semester), since 2010; Syllabus
Business and Society (BSc program, 2nd semester), since 2013; Syllabus
Corporate Strategy (BSc program, 2nd semester), 2012-2013
Operations Management (BSc program, 3rd semester), 2010-2013
Business and the Natural Environment (MSc program), 2011-2013
Consulting Field Study (MSc & MBA program), since 2012
Course evaluations for the vast majority of my courses have been very good. Some student quotes:
“She encourages students to work and learn new things.”
“It was really refreshing to have a professor who demanded mutual respect from students.”
“Professor Hartmann explained everything very well and was motivated to teach.”
“Hard working teacher makes students work hard.”
“She has an amazing commitment.”