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Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
20. März 20242 Min. Lesezeit
Unlocking the Revised EU CS3D: What's In, What's Out, and What It Means for Business
On March 15, 2024, the EU Council gave its approval to the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D). This decision follows...
12 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
21. Dez. 20234 Min. Lesezeit
David versus Goliath
Comparing the German Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz to the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive On December...
41 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
14. Juni 20232 Min. Lesezeit
European Parliament Adopts Stance on Negative Impacts of Companies
Beginning of June, the European Parliament has approved its stance on integrating human rights and environmental impact into companies'...
18 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
26. Apr. 20226 Min. Lesezeit
Building Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chains in a New Macroeconomic Context
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the global economy, sudden shifts in consumer demand, closed borders and lockdowns put global supply...
280 Ansichten1 Kommentar

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
17. Juni 20212 Min. Lesezeit
German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
The newly adopted German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act attracted quite some attention. Below are a number of questions that I have been...
607 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
2. März 20212 Min. Lesezeit
How Russian Companies Respond to Mounting ESG Pressure
Russian corporations seek to increase their ESG performance in major international ESG ratings. Novatek, for example, was upgraded to...
125 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
19. Feb. 20212 Min. Lesezeit
The Pandemic's Impact on Supply Chain Modernization
This is the English translation of an interview with 3Sat's makro that first appeared 9 February 2021. macro: The pandemic reveals the...
522 Ansichten1 Kommentar

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
22. Jan. 20213 Min. Lesezeit
Integrating ESG in Corporate Oversight
Stakeholders such as governments, customers, non-governmental organizations or investors increasingly pressurize companies to include the...
114 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
23. Juli 20203 Min. Lesezeit
Zuckerbrot oder Peitsche? Das geplante deutsche Lieferkettengesetz
Aktuell plant die Bundesregierung in Deutschland ein Lieferkettengesetz, das Unternehmen ab einer bestimmten Größe (500 Mitarbeiter) dazu...
280 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
12. Mai 20201 Min. Lesezeit
Green Parties - Rainmakers in the Energy Transition
The values held collectively by a country's society become explicit in its governance. The parties that are formed and ultimately elected...
73 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
17. März 20202 Min. Lesezeit
What do the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change have in common?
Both the COVID-19 (or corona) pandemic and climate change share a few similarities. Both are global problems, i.e. they do not affect...
253 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
13. März 20201 Min. Lesezeit
Fuel to the Flames
Recently, the Carbon Tracker Initiative reported that leading executives in oil and gas companies continue to be incentivized based on...
27 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
25. Juni 20191 Min. Lesezeit
The challenges in rendering fashion more sustainable
About a year ago, I met Giusy Bettoni at a conference on sustainable fashion. Giusy impressed me because of her strong dedication to...
69 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
13. Juni 20193 Min. Lesezeit
Emissions and Global Warming – Related BUT Different
The Challenge Recently, I was approached by a logistics service providing company that is working hard to decrease its emissions and...
48 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
8. Juni 20191 Min. Lesezeit
Engage in Sustainability - and Win!
Recent research by Khan, Serafeim, and Yoon shows that companies which help solve material as opposed to non-material sustainability...
26 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
27. März 20192 Min. Lesezeit
How to Reduce Trade's Environmental Impact
Some firms engage voluntarily and comprehensively for environmental preservation. But let us be honest: Most do not and these firms need...
85 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
27. März 20192 Min. Lesezeit
Digitalization and Regionalization
What will be the effects of trends such as regionalization or digitalization on logistics and global trade? The effects of the trends...
53 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
27. März 20193 Min. Lesezeit
Carbon Tax and Sulphur Cap
Impacts of a Carbon Tax Currently, the German government discusses the introduction of a prize for GHG emissions. This raises the...
51 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
27. März 20193 Min. Lesezeit
International Trade and Climate Change
On March 20, 2019, Bündnis 90 Die Grünen, the German green party, invited to a platform discussion in Berlin. While acknowledging that...
52 Ansichten0 Kommentare
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